Do you work with a nonprofit service provider that wants to get involved with helping voters in this important election year? The Nonprofit Voter Engagement Program (NPVE) is a nonpartisan initiative of Democracy North Carolina to engage, support, and evaluate the role of nonprofit service providers doing voter engagement.
We can provide training, voter education materials, and up-to-date information on election laws, as well as partner with you to mobilize voters and brainstorm and strategize how to tailor a voter engagement plan to fit your organization.
A 2018 study conducted by Nonprofit VOTE shows that nonprofit service providers were able to increase voter turnout among their clients by 4%, just by helping them register and reminding them to vote. Most exciting, nonprofits were particularly effective at mobilizing less-likely voters, like voters under 30, low-income voters, and Latino voters.
Nonprofit agencies can do a lot to increase voter participation and still be nonpartisan and abide by IRS restrictions. Nonprofit voter engagement do’s and don’ts include: