For 25 years, Democracy NC has empowered young activists to drive significant change across North Carolina and beyond. As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Democracy Summer, we’re excited to welcome 21 dynamic “Friendterns” to our transformative nine-week internship program. Democracy Summer isn’t just about participation; it’s a deep dive into organizing strategy, public speaking, and leadership development – just in time for the 2024 General Election.
Your gift makes Democracy Summer possible!
Each student receives a $6,000 stipend to compensate them for their participation. Your support extends this life-changing summer experience to more students throughout North Carolina.
Will you help fund our next “Friendterns?”
Together, we can ensure that the next generation of leaders is ready to face the challenges of their times, prepared with the knowledge, skills, and passion to make a difference.
Your gift to the “Fund Our Friendterns!” campaign is more than a donation; it’s an investment in the next generation of community leadership.
Thank you for your continued support and for believing in our “Friendterns!”
Warmest regards,
Cheryl Carter and Adrienne Kelly
Co-Executive Directors
P.S. Every dollar counts! 100% of your gift goes directly to supporting these emerging leaders.
“As a first generation college student, Democracy Summer makes my dream of fighting for North Carolina possible!” –Kelli Early 2017 Friendtern
Click through our brochure below to learn more!