Democracy NC's Civics of Justice series returns to center frustration and devastation around police brutality, racial injustice and the loss of Black Lives and address connections between what’s on the ballot and these important issues.
Civics of Justice began in 2015 as film screenings and dialogues developed by Democracy North Carolina and Working Films to help communities develop a deeper analysis of the relationship between civic engagement and social issues. In 2020, this event series returned to share stories and make connections to:
Civics of Justice trainings and resources provide “a toolbox of tactics” for breaking the cycle of oppressive practices and policies. This online kit illustrates how working at the local level is especially powerful to impact representation and realities. Resources include:
Connect this moment with what's on the ballot. Download your "Civics of Justice" one-pager today.
Share how the BLM movement is inspiring North Carolina Voters like Poet Laureate of Chapel Hill CJ Suitt to vote.
Share with us how you are standing up and fighting against injustice like Kathy.