RALEIGH, N.C. (6/29/2018) — The N.C. General Assembly approved a constitutional amendment today that they would require voter identification to cast a ballot in North Carolina. The proposal, which was passed by the Senate today in a party-line vote, will now be placed on the 2018 general election ballot.
In response, Tomas Lopez, Executive Director of voting rights group, Democracy North Carolina, called the vague amendment an “extreme outlier” that puts the power to restrict voting access back in lawmakers’ hands.
“The General Assembly says its proposal is mainstream, but only Mississippi and Missouri have voter ID requirements in their constitutions, and neither goes as far as this,” says Lopez. “This amendment would compromise access to the vote and make North Carolina an extreme outlier. And while lawmakers promise to fill in the details later about what “photo ID” means under this proposal, we should remember that their last ID law was thrown out in court.”
Lopez added, “This is a blank check to people who can’t be trusted with one, and voters should refuse to sign it.”