In this month’s advocates meeting, our interns will discuss what “list maintenance” means and why this work is so important. We will break down how to phonebank by discussing the script and what volunteers will have to do in order to phone bank. Thank you for helping ensure all the voters in our region are properly registered and ready to vote in every election!
WHAT: Cumberland Co. Coalition Meeting: Virtual Phonebank Training
WHEN:Â Tuesday, June 8, 2021 6:00 PM – Â 7:30 PM ET
WHERE: This meeting will be held virtually. When you RSVP below, you’ll receive the information needed to join the meeting online or by phone.
Questions? Contact Manny Diaz at 910-248-9695 or
What is the Democracy Coalition?  Our Local Coalition brings together organizational representatives and individuals who agree to work together to change and use the political system so it equips people to take action, promotes grassroots leadership, and serves “the good of the whole.” We want an elections process that is accessible, fair, and secure. And we want a government “of, by, and for the people,” that fosters equity, solidarity, and justice.