Learn how to be a Vote Protector!
Ever-changing election law, poll worker shortages, and the continued pandemic pose unique challenges to voters in 2022. But we want every voter in our state to successfully cast their ballot, so we are working to ensure that. Vote Protectors (previously known as poll monitors) serve as our “eyes and ears on the ground” at voting sites across North Carolina. They help voters who encounter problems at the polls, verify that every polling place is running as it should, and sound the alarm when something isn’t right. In 2020, our Vote Protectors were the reason we solved hundreds of issues in a matter of minutes.
WHAT: Vote Protector Training
WHERE: This training will be held virtually. Click the link below to take the training now by computer or by phone.
Vote Protectors are responsible for visiting one or more voting sites in their community on at least one of the following days: Friday, November 4 (Last Friday of Early Voting); Saturday, November 5th (Last Day of Early Voting); and/or Election Day Tuesday, November 8th. Vote Protectors will evaluate their polling place, assist folks who have trouble voting, and report issues to the 888-OUR-VOTE hotline.
What does it mean to be a Vote Protector? Learn more here.
If you have any questions, please contact voteprotector@democracync.org.