Given the importance of local decision making for your county’s Early Voting plans, it is vital to have advocates like you pushing for better Early Voting in every election year. Please review the toolkit & watch the training video to learn more about what you can do to ensure you aren’t left out of the process.
Watch this training to learn why and how to check in on your local County BOE to ensure that Early Voting plans are as strong as they should be.
2022 Early Voting Advocacy & research
Learn more in the Early Voting county profiles delivered in 2022 below:
As North Carolina counties began planning for the 2020 General Election, the Southern Coalition for Social Justice and Democracy North Carolina sent letters to the boards of elections in dozens of counties offering information and research on how best to serve voters in their communities amid funding and public health concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.
Each letter provided the county with important research on local voting patterns and suggestions for improving the voter experience. Based on data from the 2016 and 2018 elections, the letters provided county election officials with specific recommendations on prioritizing early voting locations and days based on historic usage rates, both for the general voting population and for voters of color.