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Democracy NC Reacts to Rushed Public Hearing Schedule

Morrisville, N.C. (10/22/2021) — Yesterday, N.C. legislators released draft maps without notice, announcing public hearings on Oct. 25 and 26, giving the public only a few days to track down maps, analyze them, and prepare comments. Public hearings are the only way for North Carolinians to provide input on proposed state legislative and Congressional voting maps, ultimately impacting our lives for the next 10 years. So far, many of these proposals divide our communities and erode our community’s power — all for politicians’ partisan gain.

Democracy North Carolina, alongside dozens of organizations and communities from across the state, have delivered numerous letters to the North Carolina General Assembly calling on both the House and Senate Redistricting committees to ensure a fair, transparent, and inclusive redistricting process. Thus far, many of our collective demands have been left unmet.

Cheryl Carter, Interim Co-Executive Director for Democracy North Carolina, issued the following statement in response to the hastily delivered public hearing schedule:

“North Carolinians are being shut out of the redistricting process. Even though maps are still being drawn, public hearings were just scheduled for Monday and Tuesday. This gives the public only a few days to track down maps, analyze them, and prepare comments. Can’t find the maps? That’s because they aren’t linked on the General Assembly’s main webpage. Don’t know how to read the maps? Too bad, because the NCGA has not included any educational info to help you understand the redistricting process. This is unacceptable – we have to demand better.”


Democracy North Carolina is a statewide nonpartisan organization that aims to strengthen democratic structures, build power among disenfranchised communities, and inspire confidence in a transformed political process that works for all.


Want to learn more about our 2021 fair map fight?
Check out our Community Districting hub for the latest!